- 展会时间:2025年07月14日~07月16日开馆时间:09:00 - 18:00
- 展览行业:实验室,临床医疗
- 主办单位:ECMI Trade Fairs S.E.A. Sdn Bhd
- 展会地点:马来西亚 - 吉隆坡 - Kuala Lumpur City Centre 50088 - 吉隆坡会议中心
- 举办周期:两年一届 展览面积:8000平方 展商数量:400家 观众数量:17000人
2025年马来西亚实验室及临床医疗展览会(LabAsia),展会时间:2025年07月14日~07月16日,展会地点:马来西亚-吉隆坡-Kuala Lumpur City Centre 50088-吉隆坡会议中心,主办方:ECMI Trade Fairs S.E.A. Sdn Bhd,举办周期:两年一届,展会面积:8000平米,参展观众:17000人,参展商数量及参展品牌达到400家。
About Lab Asia
Following an extensive research on the Lab industry in Southeast Asia, it came to light that there were no focused and dedicated lab exhibitions in South East Asia. Most of the lab exhibitions are incorporated with other exhibitions like process control, pump and valves, industrial automation and machine tools or incorporated with medical exhibitions.And we have turn our concern by conceptualising LabAsia, as there was a great need for laboratory equipments and scientific instruments, because South East Asia is a developing region which most of the industries requires some sort of testing. This exhibition is to cater to the scientific industry such as professional chemist, biochemist, microbiologist, analyst, research and development researchers, lab managers, quality control and assurance managers. LabAsia also looks after the needs and demands of South East Asia’s distributors and scientific dealers that are keen to take in new products to supply to the local market which acts as a support and conduit for their foreign principals. .
There have been similar international lab shows in Germany, Middle East USA and Asia but to date, only LabAsia, serves the purpose as being the main regional platform for the Southeast Asia market.
LabAsia also started it’s first step into the Indonesia market by launching LabIndonesia, which turn out to be a success. LabAsia and LabIndonesiaare held biannually alternately. We plan to have Lab Vietnam for the first time this 6-8 November 2012 and also Lab Philippines 2013 on 20-22 March 2013.
We have also jointly organise a symposium on Laboratory Management with Institut Kimia Malaysia held in conjunction with Lab Indonesia 2010 and 2012 -Indonesia Total Laboratory Management Symposium 2010 and 2nd Indonesia Total Laboratory Management Symposium 2012.
We hope to organise more Lab exhibitions in South East Asia and eventually Asia and other regions of the world.
Vision & Mission
1. To create a platform for scientific professionals from all countries to meet, interact, evaluate, network and research on the latest technologies from the most prominent lab equipment manufacturers and suppliers from across the globe which is expressed through LabAsia’s tagline: 1Platform Bringing Future Technology
2. To create a series of lab exhibitions in South East Asia and eventually, tapping into other destinations in Asia, the Middle East and African regions
1.The BIGGEST Lab Exhibition in Southeast Asia (SEA)
2.The FIRST Lab Exhibition in SEA to have an annual regional series:
LabAsia – Malaysia, October 2013
LabIndonesia – Indonesia, May 2014
Lab Vietnam - Vietnam, November 2012
LabPhilippines - Philippines, March 2013
3. The FIRST Indonesia Total Laboratory Management Symposium (ITLMS) held in conjunction with LabIndonesia.
工程: 关于化学工程与生物技术所有部门生产过程的发展,规划和执行;催化剂,反应器,微技术;CAE-计算机辅助工程;过程模拟软件;水处理,废气处理,废物处理与回收;物流服务,生产和资金;供应链管理;化工园区
工业劳动保护: 化学工厂的安全概念;工人生命安全和生产环境保护的设备和检测系统,如呼吸器,供氧装备,防护服,监测系统,防爆,隔音,防静电技术,危险物运输
仪器仪表、控制和自动化: 仪器仪表、控制和自动化
实验室与分析技术: 用于研究和应用于工业实验室的设备,设施,化学品和服务;实验室规划和设备;物理和化学分析仪器
样品制备: 称重和计量技术,光谱,色谱及相关领域,表面分析,环境分析,实验室诊断和自动化
资料、信息与教学: 专门从事于科学、技术文献的国际出版商:面向于工业化学,加工工程,生物技术,测量与控制,材料科学,环境保护,信息系统和数据库领域;为大学学习教育,职业培训以及任何级别的再教育提供辅助帮助的制造商
材料技术与测试: 用于化学工程的金属,非金属材料以及合成材料,技术仪器和生产各种材料的设备,表面保护(例如:上釉,镀层,等离子喷涂,涂层,耐火衬层),焊接和连接技术,显微镜;材料的物理、化学性质检测设备,材料分析,金属组织,物理表面测量,衍射分析,无损材料试验,成分检测,操作过程中的质量保证技术
机械加工: 用于机械加工的设备,仪器,工具,机械,如混合,捏合,搅拌,筛分,过滤(包括滤布),离心,粉碎,研磨,烧结,均质,输送,称重;驱动装置和清洁技术等
制药、包装与存储技术: 配料,铸造,填充,密封,包装,贴签和检验的机械和仪器以及包装材料;生产、制造和包装药物的机械;运输和储存技术
吉隆坡会议中心 Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre
展馆地址:马来西亚 - 吉隆坡 - Kuala Lumpur City Centre 50088